then yst was told a colleag dog's hospitalised...suspected cancer! the dog is 8 yrs of age (marco's 7 and half!). he told me she (the dog) just suddenly collapsed and cant walk. they thought it was old age and the legs got prob. but turned out was something more serious than that when she began to not eat. now the poor doggie is hospitalised for a week plus and think hospitalisation fee per day come up to 100+ and was told plus treatment and tests..etc, the bill is easily 1k + already... hope the dog will get well soon....
while i was thinkin abt the show i watched, the book, this incident...suddenly i remember another friend also told me reccently the dog passed away...
is so scary that everythting is happening all at one go... is this a sign or something?
all these really makes me realised something... that i MUST save for marco (for his rainy days)
Anyway, here are some pics i took of him recently...
these "pigs" are not mine... will try take a nicer pic next time...they are always hiding away :(

ramen so-so only. still prefer the ones at Central. but the meat not bad lar
taken on one rainy day during lunch
at smu admin bldg. only place where i wont kena the rain. not even one bit.
looks nice? but is not lor... blend!
i still went ahead and post this. she is so gonna kill me :p

i think my dad did this. only he will have the patience to go make the food looks nice as well.
this is just an egg but i love eggs... fried, half boil (ya kun's yummy), omelette, scramble eggs...
i seriously think mac should come up with this set... 1 hotcake with omelette and sausage. coz i love hotcakes and i love the eggs but i cant order both!
by the way, can some tech-gadgets guru go evaluate and tell me if this is gd?

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