at the recept:
All of us ex and current TWM ppl
Me and the pretty bride... we all took turn to take a pic each with the bride.
why do all brides seem to have such slim waist???
while waiting for the luncheon banquet to start... we started cam whoring.. what else...
May and Me
the family of 4... when i just know her, she was still single... then i saw her got ROM, then customary married, Kiddo number 1, Kiddo number 2...
OMG, has it really been that long???
decided to post this up for 2 reason:
1. the couple look very cute lar with their funny post (and coz J was the camera guy so did not appear in most other pics... haha)
2. look at the huge backdrop on the stage (and live band performance). this was visible when the projection screen to show the photos and videos were drawn up and instead of the bare background, they even had this. i commented it looks like those singers "qian chang hui" where they release new albums and have fans Q-ing to get the signatures.. hee
after we had our fill of food (actually there were 2 more dishes (glutinous rice, dessert) when we came out), we went outside to take more bo-liao pictures...
after taking this, i told fiona it looks abit hiao ... haha
the funny couple pose again...
fiona's blog state that they are rehearsing for their turn... :p
with the 2 kiddos
the small girl already camera trained

About the wedding:
though is held in JB... but i dare say it might even be better than what we had in Spore. unlike the typical msia wedding held at restaurant where they had funny relatives turning up in like super funny clothes... or going on stage crooning sad love songs about healing broken hearts... this one had none of all that... instead, during the first march in, they had a violinist walking in front of them playing some love song... live band was also engaged to perform romantic love songs thru out the lunch and there wasnt any distasteful music being played...
food was great and portion was huge too (only draw back was those stupid waiters kept wanting to clear them away even when we are not done yet and they did not even ask!)
the wedding photos taken were also fantastic. if i didnt ask, i wouldnt have guess that it was taken in JB. coz usually JB album had a very different style (in terms of gowns, make up, hair do...etc) but theirs was very artistic, and very natural... i think the photographer had done a great job... as instead of all pre arranged poses, he managed to capture alot of natural shots of the couple looking oh-so-blissfully-in love... when they look at each other and smile at each other.....
the couple are currently enjoying their honeymoon in Greece... wish them all the best and a blissful marriage =)
After the wedding:
we wanted to take the chance to go shop abit at JB citysquare since it's a stone throw away only... couple arranged for their friend to drive us there...so nice right... on the way, we saw lightning and seems like it's going to rain big time... i turn to fiona and say...die die we have to buy someting lar... in case we ended up buying just brolly if it's still raining when we go back...keke...
due to time constraint as the lunch ended around 4 plus, we only shopped awhile, but spent like 45minutes in MNG boutique...til May commented that we could stay til 9 plus to shop the whole mall... ha! fiona managed to buy her jeans which cost lesser than Spore (partly due to the exchange rate as well) and i bought 3 tops... one of which is the barbie edition of the MNG tee which cost me only around $20 SGD =)... got another one for Rin as well...
May only bought cakes from Secret Recipe which is super cheap lor as the dollar amount is the same as Spore except its in Ringgit... me and fiona bought cakes too! on top of that, i even went to buy 3-in-1 coffee... hee... cant find one that i like in spore... but decided i cant always continue living my extravagent lifestyle of grabbing dome coffee at arts museam to bring to work so i have to look for alternative!!!
wished we had more time though coz we didnt really managed to go in many stores...
Side Note:
it was Jeanie's birthday on that day too! just thought i mention it here... haha
Haha~ u are good! Managed to upload so many photos and wrote sooo many things somemore. Must have taken you very long to write out this whole post. Anyway I'm glad to see the photos taken with my camera has been well-utilised! :P hee
for special events that's once in a life time, must write it down one... haha... provided time permits... that's the reason why u will see a few posts in one shot.. heh.. i love ur camera btw. using that for company's staff now and is gd lor.
Haha your company using Canon IXUS 860 also? Yea its a really great camera!! Or rather I would say Canon IXUS is one of the best digital camera?? After using like Sony & Fuji & Canon I think Canon beats the rest hands down lor. Will definitely buy back Canon again in future.
Read this again with my hubby, we both 'pei fu' you for writing such a detailed and well-organized blog. Maybe you can consider to be full time blogger as you are potential! ^^ Is enjoyable to read your blog as got pics and descriptions, just like reading story book, many many worth-to-read stories/sharings here. Keep it up !
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