Baby's YuMing's first month cake... heh... he's already 17 week old... how time flies... and i juz redeemed the voucher that his mummy and daddy gave me... heh...
Bubbly Teddy =)
babies are so adorable (that's when they are not crying, screaming, refusing to sleep...etc)... if i lead a good life, i would have toddlers that's walking (and stumbling at the same time) by now... Ha~
i came home frm work to check office emails before i even bathe... how bad does that sounds...
shall focus... focus on the good stuff that WILL come my way...Soon...
am so looking forward to: -
- Baby's de-bracing
- Baby's exam to be over
- Baby's full recovery (pls let him get well real soon...it's been quite a while)
- Xmas (all the foodies and pressies)
- my upcoming leaves and time off
- spa session
- Shopping Spree in Bkk Jan08
- Bonus of coz...
that doesnt sound too bad... must learn to count my blessings...
Jes help me bought straps for my blades.. woo hoo... hoping to go real soon...if not waste the 400 bucks on the blades and stuff...but i hate the sun :(
Just gotten some pics from Jes:
My Teriyaki Chix Ramen
Her Jap Pasta in Wafu sauce
My tired face at 9 plus (i know is kinda early to feel tired on a sat...but hey, i have been out since morning 7 plus k...)
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