My Bestest... Luv Ya Beetch!
Sluts out there,
watch out for mummy girl!
Mummy Girl:
FOR: You're looking to get rid of all the lovesick maniacs who threaten you or your relationship.
MEANING: Do you tend to attract unwanted love interests? is some shamless hoochie mama bothering your man? Mummy Girl will scare off all these annoying pests so nobody has to worry about losing their loved ones.
AND here's to all the meanies:
MEANING: Your boss is a bastard and your colleagues are up to no good behind your back. it's not that your defense is weak but rather you're in a really tough situation that's getting worse. you're on the verge of depression. Original voodoo is the most popular doll among nine-to-five folks. hurry and get original voodoo to release all your stress and grievances.
caffaine NEone?
Hold onto your Honey!
End Note:
seeing how happy she is now makes me believe in the existence of happiness...i havent been found...yet?
在寻找钱材与追求理想的当儿, 我的存在变得眇小, 影子也越来越模糊...
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