15 May 08
Isetan Private Sale
i purposely took a day off to go shopping... started the day with a mac breakfast and headed to isetan orchard around 1030am to get all the beauty stuff. then walked to isetan scotts for more shopping.
past by wheelock and thought to myself, at 11am, there shouldnt be a need to make an appt for waxing so into strip i hopped.
afterwhich i crossed over to scotts. at 1130am, boy it was packed!!!
i decided to skip the first level and went for the ladies dept and then the gents dept.
Managed to grab all the stuff and Q at 140pm. Guessed it was bad timing to make payment coz the office ladies were all Q-ing at the same time to make their payment and head back to office before lunch was over at 2pm. But it wasnt that bad as i only had to stand for 15min.

spent near to a whooping $600...
but $200+ were on baby's stuff (trying to justify myself... haha)
went look for baby at suntec and i should have capture the look on his face when he saw me walking towards him with all the bags... wanted to joke to him about me using his supplementary credit card on all these but in the end didnt coz i think he wont fall for it...bleh
at the end of the day, think what suffered most were my poor feet... and of coz my bonus (but shall think about this next mth when the bill comes...heh)
why cant i have more moolahs to satisfy my shopping habits???
erm...so when's the next isetan private sale?
16 May 08
Aston Specialities
Baby brought me to this place at East Coast Road. Before that, i read some reviews about this place and it seems that most peeps gave this place a thumb's up for the food and price. The only drawback - the Horrendous Q and the wait for the food!!! ...How very true indeed.
He arrived earlier so he did the Q-ing and also ordered my food for me and when i arrived, i just have to go in and sit and wait for awhile and my food is here... yipee :)
As usual, the pose of the month...
"Baby, month of May is almost over. what's the face for Jun?"

place was packed to the brim by 7pm. the restaurant's seats were a tad too close to one another i find unless you had those booth seats shown below (and also behind Baby in the above picture) but i guess this is just their no frill cafe (they have a more posh one that serves much more expensive food and also some other branches (Aston Express) which resides at coffeeshops (something like botak jones) where the price is much cheaper. so i guess Aston Specialities falls somewhere in the middle?

My medium rare steak

His Chargrill Chicken

IBC Root beer

what's IBC by the way?

The pay bill face

Total bill $21.00
Darn cheap right? and may i add, value for money too coz the quality of food aint bad. Yummy!!!

but as with all other reviews, i do agree that PATIENCE is a must. Not convinced? see below...
this was taken around 8pm from opposite the road after we were done with our dinner.

seriously, i doubt i will still want Q and go in for the food lor if i see such a Q. prob will just settle for other yummies in the area liao...
After dinner indulgence... Awfully Chocolate I-Scream
me love!!!
but baby says it taste like normal choco ice cream... i think he just aint born a dessert lover... so doesnt know how to appreciate the goodies...but on the bright side, there's no one to fight with me at dessert time :p
then it was back to Siglap centre.. where i was way too full for more Gelare waffles.. met Renwei and his gf and we shared to rent some vcds... then it was to killiney coffeeshop. i was just too bloated to have the eggs and toast bread that i love so i just settled for teh peng... i was amazed at what the small coffeeshop sells lor... there is the usually bread and egg stuff, sides like chicken wings, carrot cake, lasi lemak... etc... it was almost like a mini food court!!!
headed home dead beat!
17 May 08
headed to bishan for lunchie and walked around before heading to church. i was down with a sore eye by the time i was home in the evening and it got worse and worse til i can hardly open my eyes.. baby came over and bought me eye wash at night after his church. aint he sweet?
18 May 08

Togi Korean Restaurant at East Coast Road
with Baby and his Mum, Aunt & Bro
the free flow sides

whole table of food (and i din get all into the picture)

My beef rice (as usual coz i cant tolerate spicyness and i love beef)
baby's spicy ramen
the lady came over and offered to mix and stir the rice and meat together for me in this hot stone bowl but i politely refuse and attempted to do it myself. in the end, i ask baby to do it for me instead as its just difficult to mix properly (just like the beef rice at sun and moon.. ha~)
He geen me... *pout*

we caught 3 movies over the long weekend (2 rented and 1 at the cine)
rented: American Gangster and The Illusionist (shall catch 300 soon so that we can return on fri)
cine: Drillbit Taylor - the budget bodyguard
i was expecting this to be lighthearted and hillarious. lighthearted, yes...but hillarious...not so...
i found myself trying to keep myself awake at some point of the show (yes, i know this is a comedy...but...) not sure if it is the hot afternoon weather, or the headache that was starting to act up... but the show itself was boring for me...baby thinks so too...
bought socks for my blades le...baby say will bring me go play... he says if not i would be wasting money if he dont do that (i had the blades for 1 yr, paid $300 over for them...and so far... only played 3 times and each for only 15min the most... ha~)
when? when? when?... but no sun, please...argh... i hate the horrible weather these few days... just making my migraine worse and more frequent and also i swear my complexion is getting darker...
going to bed. long day ahead. i wished it's now 830pm on 21st May 08 when is time to knock off... blessed day yesterday, today and tomorrow...Good night